About us
I have always been an avid reader of sorts, and had became a gatherer (collector) of reference and information materials over the years, but also entrigued of the way our three-branches of government works OR the way it is supposed to work. As an energized student of history, I have been following our politicals & election cycles since 1960.
I also always felt I was well infomed as I thought were most Americans. Over the years, the down-spiraling education being taught in our public school systems changed that perception. Sometime during the 2016 Presidential Election cycle, it was painfully difficult to realize how uninfomed most young adults and even adults are today, not just of the individual candidates per se, but of the election process itself.
Though I think we all knew our education system has been going down from some time, especially in relation to civics and the basics how our three co-equal branches of government works, not to say besides math, english, and the sciences. Add to the fact how big the federal goverment had become, how much federal debt we have added to us taxpayer's responsibility, and then watching the one major political party or even the so-called Unity Party (Republican Party "Moderates") that always wants to grow the government, and raise our taxes as to being the only soluion, and no one is the wiser.
So this led to the writing of an educational reminder including the of specifics of "American Exceptionalism of the book "The AMERICA We Know" in 2018. The book exponds on the different areas of the Exceptional of America based on international surveys. But what does exceptional mean, in relation to the founding concepts of our country. The follow-on book, "The AMERICA We Know, IF We Can Keep It" is due out this Fall 2024.
One or two books published are not going necessarily going to get the message out, so we initiated the "AMERICAN TRUTH INDEX-TM" So here we go. We hope you'll enjoy the different formats, full-color look and graphical at times but infomational . . .OVER AND ABOVE the 60 seconds sound bites your get from the media from time to time. They no longer exist to keep you informed, but just seem to spend more time in entertaining or giving out their opinions. You can't make effective decisions for yourself or family, if you don't have all the infomation to begin with. Here's hoping you enjoy the actual breakdown of what is going on in government with a few more details.
Thank you for your Interest,.
Tom Block, Editor
INTRODUCING ... The "AMERICAN TRUTH INDEX" is a series of knowledge and factual-informational documents on various aspects about America, it Constitution, System of Government, Capitalistic Economic System, and way of life.
Each American Truth Index can be ordered in for a Download copy, or a pre-printed Multi-color glossy reprint for easy reading, and daily use.
Each downloaded copies are $5.95, or $9.95+/ea for color printed copy shipped directly to your. You can order by Volume, with several Truth Indexes included in each. Price of the Volume will vary by amount of ATI's currently published.
Be educated!
About your goverment, personal finances, insurance, and other main topic issues.
be informed!
No opinions! Just the facts or historical perspectives.
Be enlighted!
be ahead of the game, before most.
Don't delay!
order today! -- NOTE: Ordering system coming onboard by october 1, 2024.
in the mean time . . . Let us reintroduce A COMPREHENSIVE EASy-TO-READ (620 pg) Table-top reference book for every american home . . . on America's Exceptionalsm! "We left the political comments for the media & the political pundits"! best supplementary civics book for "home schoolers"! - educational tool on our Exceptionalism! . "THE AMERICA WE KNOW!" BY tOM bLOCK
Click on Book Image to take you to more information on the "The AMERICA We Know", and how to order a back copy. PRE-ORDERING Tom Block's new version "The AMERICA We Know, If We Can Keep It!" will be available soon. It is due out in Fall 2024.
Ordering System for the American Truth Index-TM will be installed shortly! Thanks for viewing our site! Send us an email, and we'll keep you on the pre-order interest list.
Why order through us...
CONvenient & easy ORDERING
- economically priced
With the cost of ink cartridges today from your favorite Ink Cartridge Company, we'll save you the cost.
Size: 8.5" x 11" printed in multi-color & and foldered. ATI's are either a 4, 6, or 8-page document, with the exception of the Budget Summary.
- Wide variety of american truth Indexes
Published in 5 different categories of Indexes, that can be ordered indivdiual or by total volumn. Today, american are much more aware than we ever were. Re our Elections, Budgets, Deficits, Border Invasion & why. Remember - they do not want you to be informed!
- fast shipping
Upon confirmation of payment, same or next day shipping. NLT 1 week - 10 days. for backorders.
meet our team
American truth index staff
Sharing "Historical Perspectives", re-educating Americans on our exceptionalism, and exposing the truth in the details.
Tom Block
EDITOR & Author
Tom Block is a 25-Year U.S. Air Force Retired Combat Aircrew Veteran, who served in Vietnam, the Cold War, and Gulf War I. He has over 55 Combat sorites, some 5, 700 Flying hours in six different type aircraft. He received a BS in Business from the University of Colorado, and pursued graduate studies towards an MBA at National University (Entrenaurial Stuides & Marketing).
He started several small businesses in the Financial, Insurance, Automotive and Information Technology (Vertical Market VAR & Software Developer, in Healthcare, Hosapitality & Accounting Systems) Industries.
He is the author of "The Amerca We Know", a 620 pg book on American's Exceptionalism, and several books, training materials, and courses for the U.S. Air Force Explorers, and U.S. Military Explorers. He is married, a father of three children and resides in Wisconsin, and yes . . . a Packer Fan!