Books by Tom Block
on America's exceptionalism
The AMERICA We Know - First published @2018 (First City Press)
- THE America WE KNOW, If We Can Keep It! - by Tom Block Due out in Fall, 2024! Pre-orders at: a 620 ppg Non-fiction book on America's exceptionalism. Leaving the all the personal politcal comments for all the pundits & media! - The America We Know describes categorically several areas that made America the exceptional country she is. - American's Liberties & Freedoms, The Christian Nation, Flags' & Pledges, Essays, Speeches & Sayings, U.S. Military & Wars & Conflicts, America's Scenic Beauty, Engineering Feats & Accomplishments, Celebrated Holidays & Songs, American Folklore, other Editional Tidbits.
Books by Tom Block
*THE America wE kNOW, if we can keep it!
The AMERICA We Know, If We Can Keep It! - Due out in Fall, 2024!
Section Titles of Parts 1 - 4
Part 1: America 101 . . . describes the basics & concepts of our Founding & Governing, our Political Election Cycle, the concept of the 3 Co-Equal Branches & Duties of Governing.
Part 2: America: Our Christian Nation . . . describes how Americas various religious groups came to America and the effect it had on our founding.
Part 3: American Patriotism . . . describes the our founding , our meanings of being an American, and concepts through our past & current leaders and patriots, as well as our Flag meanings & respect.
Part 4: Defending America . . . describes the values & oaths of our Military & how the Eight Uniformed services each does its part to defend America, along with the timeline of our Wars & Conflicts.
Section Titles of Parts 5 - 8
Part 5: America's Scenic Beauty . . . describes the over 50 National Parks, and hundreds of National Historical Parks, Manuments, ansd Sites.
Part 6: America's Engineering Feats & Achievments: . . . describes lists and describes America's National HIstorical Landmarks, Engineering Feats and Building Projects, Inventins & Innovations, and Medical Firsts.
Part 7: American: Our Celebrated Holidays & Songs . . . describes American Holidays and why we celibrate those special days, along owith our most famous Patriotic and Holiday songs.
Part 8: American Folklore . . . describes Americas myths, historical charcters, our legendary & folkloric creatures.
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