AMERICAN TRUTH INDEXES: American Political Information
One of the first things we should remember or know, is that for centuries in America, politics or political idealogy has been organized and managed, as is our elections through individual Political Parties. There are many, but for ballot purposes in all or most States, there are five major ones. Do you know who they are and what they stand for? Or should we say today, what we thought they stood for?
The American Truth Index is here to help you decipher the ramificatons of all our political infomation and organizations that influences our President, Governor, Corgressmen and women, Senators, governmental leaders, their recommended policies and recommenations of an individual to head or serve in a Department, an Agency or Commission, or Committee. What are those other influences? Volume 4 of the Truth Indexes will help shed some light.
When Presidents or Governors actually do get into office, they have an incredible human resource task of vetting and hiring various directors and managers to fill the positions in government, normally based on their expertise, working experience, and idealogy. Have you ever realized they come from past cabinets or from the various Think tanks, their Campaign organization or Political organizations. What do you know about those Organizations and Think-Tanks?
Hvolume 4: american political information
Index No. 4-1:
Types of Government
Types of Government ATI explains the times of our Founding of the Country, the philosophers of influence of the times such as John Locke, Montesquie, and others of the time, the concepts our Founding Fathers had and imbeded in the Declaration, our Constitution, Lows and Government.
In Development (SPC, LLC)me.
Index No. 4-2:
Major Political Parties in the U.S.
Major Political Parties of the U.S. ATI describes the five (5) major Political Parties of the United States, their party foundation & establishment, philosophy of governance, national leaders, estimated number of members. It also describes the Type of Partisan styles of Political Systems, as well as a list of other minor political parties, and current major in power of the Executive & Legislative Branches..
1st published: October 1, 2019 (SPC, LLC)me
Saul Alinksky's "Rules for Radicals" - the NEW Operating Guide for the Democrat Party ATI describes the philosophy of Saul Alinsky's rules in organizing a movement towards a communist / socialist political party, descibed in his book "Rules For Radicals," that have been employed by the American Democrat Party Leadership since the early 1990's, but more agressively since 2009.
1st published: In Development (SPC, LLC)
Index No. 4-4:
American Left Movement to Marxism & Communism
American Left Movement to Marxism & Communism ATI explains the times of our Founding of the Country, the philosophers of influence of the times such as John Locke, Montesquie, and others of the time, the concepts our Founding Fathers had and imbeded in the Declaration, our Constitution, Lows and Government.
In Development (SPC, LLC)me.
Index No. 4-8:
Index 4-9: