aMERICAN TRUTH INDEXES: Misc. Content & Political Issues
America's Social Security Retirement Plan first came on the scene in the mid-1930's, and have had various updates and changes over the last 90 years. Do you know what was the original intent, who was it meant for, how it was suppose to work, and where are we now when your employer takes FICA out of your paycheck every other week?
Our intricated U.S. Heathcare System that has been in place for some time from proposed "Hillary-Care" in 1994, to "Obama-Care" (the so-called Affordable Care Act) that tripled our Health Insurance Premiums (costs), which BTW not one Republican voted for. Where are we today? Do you know how many illegal aliens now get it for free? Can you explain all parts of it? It is complex, and we will simply the details & explainations.
For young adults, and those entering the workforce at age 18, leading Financial Consultants, and knowledgable specialist in every investment-field category recommend one major thing to start on the path to your Financial success. Our Financial Literacy 101 ATI simplifys the explanations to get you on the right pathway, along with personal financial discipline. But one still needs that basic knowledge to start out. Start your pathway here.
Hvolume 5: miscellaneous & political issues
Index No. 5-4:
U.S. Health Care Systems
U.S. Health Care System explains the complete and sometime complex understanding of the U.S Health Care System, including defintions, Type of Facilities, Type of Expenditures, Methods of Treatment, Payment, Goverment Healthcare vs Private Programs, Top Private Healthcare Insurance Companies, %'s of Insurance Coverage Sources, and the breakdown details of Medicare Coverage Explanations.
1st published: January 1, 2020 (SPC, LLC)me.
Index No. 5-5:
Purchasing Health & Other Ins.
Health Care & Other Insurances ATI explains the differences when purchasing Health Care Insurance, the different types, and limitations. Includes the various other types of Insurance and explainations one ususally purchases durinjg their life time, all at your fingertips.
1st published: TBD (SPC, LLC)me
Types of Economic Systems ATI describes the structure of the House & Senate Leadership positions,. the House of Representatives Officers & Organizations, it's Congressional Partners, names of the 19 Committees, 4 Select Committees, and 5 Joint Comittees, and a breakdown of each of the 28 committes showing who is in leadership, no. of members, % of each party, and its role, and it's breakdown of their sub-committees, budget outlet, and number of personnel.
1st published: TBD (SPC, LLC)
Index No. 5-7:
U.S. Trade Agreements
U.S. Trade Agreements ATI explains the times of our Founding of the Country, the philosophers of influence of the times such as John Locke, Montesquie, and others of the time, the concepts our Founding Fathers had and imbeded in the Declaration, our Constitution, Lows and Government.
1st published: TBD (SPC, LLC)me.
Index No. 5-8: Financlal Literacy 101- Building Individual Financial Security
Financial Literacy 101 ATI shows the breakdown and offices, budget outlet, number of personnel of the Executive Offices of the President, White House Chief of Staff Offices, the 15 Cabinet Departments, and the 65 Independent and 10 Quasi-Official Agencies.
1st published: October 1, 2019 (SPC, LLC)me
Financial Literacy 102 ATI describes the structure of the House & Senate Leadership positions,. the House of Representatives Officers & Organizations, it's Congressional Partners, names of the 19 Committees, 4 Select Committees, and 5 Joint Comittees, and a breakdown of each of the 28 committes showing who is in leadership, no. of members, % of each party, and its role, and it's breakdown of their sub-committees, budget outlet, and number of personnel.
1st published: TBD (SPC, LLC)